Business Planning

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Is PR Important to Small/Medium Businesses?

As a small or medium-size business owner/executive do you consider public relations to be something your business needs and uses or does the term "PR" or "Public Relations" make you think of major corporations and celebrities?

So the answer here is that no matter what size your company, your business plan should absolutely include a public relations strategy!

What is an MVP and Why Do I Care?

An MVP, or "Minimum Viable Product" is a product that has reached a state where it has enough features/value to do one of two things:

What do you mean "business problems"?

In today's business landscape and with the insurgence of the start-up scene, we have been on a course of "disruptive" and game-changing efforts to make big impacts in just about every industry. As a part of those efforts, the focus has shifted from "create new ideas" to "let's solve the industry's most hindering problems".  This mentality is why you see so many companies (us included) changing their marketing languge from "we do this and we do that" to "we are solving our clients' business problems, through this and that".